Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Truth

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." - John 8:32

Over the last week I have been assigned a task to do from someone from church. At first they warned me that when I do it make sure my door is shut, and that I can’t be heard. The task was:

1. Choose two verses from The Bible that shows how God values me. Verses that meant something to me.

2. Look in to the mirror and say them to myself. Say them like I believe them, not like I’m reading the most boring thing on earth. Saying it with emotion.

The verses I chose were:

Zephaniah 3:17:
“The LORD your God wins victory after victory and is always with you.
He celebrates and sings because of you, and he will refresh your life with his love."

Deuteronomy 33:3

“The LORD loves the tribes of Israel, and he protects his people.
They listen to his words and worship at his feet.”

With these verses I thought they sounded a bit weird saying them to myself. So I personalized them. (I would say the original verse then my personalized version.)

The Lord My God is victorious and is always with me. He rejoices because of me and will refresh my life with His abundant love!

God loves me and protects me. I (need to) listen to His words and worship at His feet.

Now I didn’t think this would be something that had any effect on me. I thought it was just plain stupid and dorky. I didn’t voice this opinion at the time, I just agreed to do it. So that’s what i did.

I would go to my mirror every morning when I woke up, and just before I went to bed at night. At first I was like: “this idea is just DUMB! What kind of moron thought this up anyways, why am I doing this!?” Since I had given my word that I would do it for the week, I continued. Even though I HATED looking in the mirror, cause i didn’t like the girl staring back at me. Also I certainly didn't want to tell her that she was valued by God, because i didn’t believe it.

To cut the story short. Some absolutely Awful stuff happened in my week, and I felt horrible, but since I had the two verses on my mind about God valuing my. I was able to pull them out and use them as a weapon of defense against the devil. In all circumstances take up... the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” - Ephesians 6:16 - 17

When I felt all alone, I knew the God I followed was the God who is ALWAYS with me! When I felt defeated, I knew the God I followed was the God is victorious. When I felt like no on could love me, I knew that the God who I followed loved me and would refresh my life with His love!

The devil tries to trick us with all his lies. Telling us that we need to do certain things to look pretty, that we are stupid, incapable of doing the purpose God has made us for. He tells us what God planned for our lives is impossible, that we are not good enough. These are all lies.

I do not write to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it and because no lie comes from the truth. 1 John 2:21

The thing is deep down we know that we are living a lie when we let ourselves slip into the pattern of believing that we are ugly, not good enough etc. Because Jesus has taken our place, so that we can be good enough with HIS Strength.

So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have. 2 Peter 1:12

Remember that God does love you. Apply God’s truths into your life and you will be amazed at the results when you fight with the weapons of victorious God.

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