Friday, June 11, 2010

Glow Sticks! Shining through the brokenness

"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16 (NIV)

Now, everybody loves glow sticks right?

Ok, maybe people who had them snap into their eye and had to have their eye removed because it had a chemical burn from it, don't like them...

But other than them, i have never met a person who doesn't like glow sticks!

So you all agree that they are incredible aye? Ok, then it is settled.

If i gave you a whole bunch of glow sticks, but you weren't able to snap them, would you be happy?

I don't believe so..

To shine, glow sticks must be broken, and shaken.

Looking at glow sticks that aren't shining is a rather disappointing..

Did you know that is the same with us humans?

If we just wander through life, nothing ever happens to us. We don't get broken or shaken.

How could we shine?

The fact is we couldn't.

When we are broken and shaken, we have two choices.

1.Turn away from God and run the opposite way.


2. Turn and run into His open arms.

You can choose to use your brokenness to surrender to God. Admitting you can't do this without Him.
Or run away and go through it alone...

Trust me, doing it alone is not how it is supposed to happen.

So that's what happens when you are broken and shaken.

What happens next is awesome!

We shine!

We shine, being a light to others still being broken. We shine, so "they may see... and praise your Father in Heaven."

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