Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Why aren't are arms reaching?

Why am I here...

Again, I have no idea at the moment what I am going to write about today..

As I sit here, I wonder why there is

So much hatred,
So much pain,
So rejection,
So much hopelessness, in this world....

I don't understand...

If every Christian stood up for what they believed in, this world would be a different place.
Many sources say that 2.1 billion people are Christians today.. That is a third of the population!!

Imagine what the world would be like if we actually united as the body of Christ....

If we shone our Jesus' light for the world to see there is hope, there is freedom, there is acceptance, there is love...

Would this world be different? How many more people would know Christ for who He is?

"Here is a true message:

"If we died with Christ,

we will live with him.

If we don't give up,

we will rule with him.

If we deny

that we know him,

he will deny

that he knows us.

If we are not faithful,

he will still be faithful.

Christ cannot deny

who he is." - 2 Timothy 2:11-13 (CEV)

Are you letting Christ shine through you??

Casting crowns is an awesome song...
think about he lyrics...

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