Friday, July 8, 2011


Home.. I don't understand this word anymore... I Googled it and it cam up with several definitions.. these are just two of them:

where you live at a particular time & place where something began and flourished

Personally I think a home is not just where you live, it is more to how you feel about the place and what happened there...

To me where I grew up and where my family was happy is what i call home. When things go wrong, it is where i long to be.
I know that if I lived there now i would not fit. I would probably hate it. But that is because the people are no longer there. They were the ones that kept me safe.
I think that my trust flourished there. I think that is why it is my home. As I moved on, other places, my trust was certainly broken lots, and the memories hurt.
So to be where this happened reminds me of the hurts, and it is not somewhere where I can be safe anymore... it is not my home.. People fight, and things go so wrong.. That is not my home.. Home is where your heart is... I need to find where my heart fits.. I find it fits with Children. I want to help them develop a good sense of trust.. I don't want them to grow up not knowing the same love i was blessed with, I want them to find a home in the heart of Jesus, and for them to give Jesus a home in their hearts...

anyways,... thats my thoughts tonight... O_o something to think about...

"i think its inside of u, not where u are.. its feeling like u belong, and knowing where u fit in to God's plan , and knowing that the ultimate home is with him
like if ur angry and frustrated or whatever u wont fit anywherre, and if u feel at peace u can call anywhere home, as long as theres love there, and God is love" - One of my smart friends....

START FREEDOM - Young people campaigning to combat trafficking