Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Well again I don't quite know what I am writing here.....

*sits for about 15 minutes staring at at the screen thinking..*

OK, well I heard this song on Sunday at EPM... Someone sung it so awesomely, I was awestruck from the lyrics of the song, and have listened to it over and over again..

I realized in the last few days, I am actually only a person. I should not be going on at God about how things are not going as "planned" because I am actually human, and He is God. I don't actually have the right to go around saying I don't like you anymore cause this is not going my way!! I should be thankful for what God has already done in my life, and is doing, ad is going ot do.. Even if I can not see it.

well, this is my ponderings for now...

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